Archives - Page 2

  • Ardeth #6: CONTINGENCY
    No. 06

    Incorporating contingency into our fundamental thinking about architecture contradicts the way we theorize, practice, and historicize the field. Accidents happen, yet architects rarely let chance play a role in their visions. How contingency play a role in architectural design and thinking? How designers incorporate change in their practice? The forward-facing nature of contingency scholarship, if we give it a name, may embed possible worlds that are more just, more compassionate, and more aware of the inequalities that accompany the uneven distribution of the most vital resource i our times: space. This issue began with the aim of exploring contingency thinking, and is completed from within contingent times, when nothing seems certain and contingency is less a lens than the air we breathe.

    No. 9 (2021)

  • COMPETENCY. Architecture and situated knowledge
    No. 10-11 (2022)

    Architectural institutions are reviewing modes of learning and practice of architecture to reflect the changing professional landscape. Schools confront the ever-acute tensions between critical thinking and the market. The training of architects who will likely be working in different contexts requires new frames of reference and paradigms. What competencies should the practitioner of architecture possess to bridge technical and managerial specializations in light of competitiveness and nuances of culture? How do the practices and performances of the profession take into account the hybrids and collaborations that define the broad scope of projects? The dilemma of competency lies in the rigorous study of the conditions and processes of architecture, configuring and situating skills and capabilities.

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